Spirit of ’76

The Spirit of Individual Liberty

Thee original American patriots, in 1775, had the best idea for creating a natural rights republic for the new nation.

Their radical idea was to create a democratic republic of equal economic opportunity and equal political rights for all citizens.

Their philosophy of individual liberty was derived from the writings of John Locke,  and actualized by the writing of George Mason and Thomas Jefferson.

The Nation’s first constitution, The Articles of Confederation, was written by Thomas Burke of North Carolina.

The Articles were ratified by the 13 states, in 1781. The patriots created a decentralized form of government that granted authority to each state to manage its own internal affairs, with delegated power to the central government to manage national defense and foreign affairs.

We advocate the restoration of the philosophy of a natural rights republic of individual liberty, built upon the state sovereignty framework of the original American patriots.

The original patriots adopted the motto “Spirit of ‘76,” to describe their goal in the war with England, and we adopted this motto with the modification “Spirit of Individual Liberty” to emphasize our belief in the virtue of a society built upon individual freedom and individual initiative.

We advocate a national economic policy of economic sovereignty, based upon the concept of  entrepreneurial capitalism. We believe that the Nation’s initial factor endowment of individual creativity created an unassailable global comparative advantage in technological innovation and new venture creation.

The primary national domestic economic goal is a high annual rate of private capital investment in technology and new small entrepreneurial firms, decentralized to the major metropolitan regions of the states.

We agree with Jefferson, that the purpose of the Nation’s constitution is to secure the individual liberty of citizens from outside and inside threats, and that the main beneficiaries of the defense of individual liberty are the working class and middle class citizens who aspire to achieve economic and financial prosperity.


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